Through Sexual Perfume Fan e-mails and friends, I am often asked how I keep slim and healthy. I have to tell you, it's not easy, but with commitment, anyone can do it. It just takes little adjustments every day. And I mean every day.
The most important part? Decide that being healthy is your number one job. That's right. Your job. Make a daily commitment to keep yourself healthy every day.
I have narrowed it down to my 6 essentials. I am not a doctor, nor do I know your health status, so before trying these tips, please consult your doctor and find out if they are right for you. Without your doctor's go-ahead, you may not be doing what is the best for you.
1. Drink 8 glasses of water every day. Often, when you feel hungry, you are really just thirsty. Keep hydrated, especially during the summer months, and you will feel your hunger cravings drop. Just remember: drink before you start feeling hungry, don't wait until you feel starved ... prevention is the best way to prevent all-out hunger.
2. Keep active. Make activity part of your everyday life. Walking or swimming are gentle exercises most people can do. Go for a walk or swim every morning to jump start your metabolism and calorie burning.
3. Do Pilates 5 days of the week. (Again, get your doctor's aproval.) Pilates is a strength and balance training exercise that focusses on strength, stretching, and balance. I love doing it so much, I bought a pilates reformer. I use it often, not only to feel fit, but to feel happy too. The more I do Pilates, the more happiness, energy and stamina I have to tackle every day tasks. If Pilates isn't right for you, find an exercise or two or three, that is fun (and your doctor okays) and do it 5 days of the week.
4. Socialize. Socialize often. I am so busy with work, fitness, and raising my three beautiful boys, I often tell myself I have little time to go out with my wonderful friends. Wrong. Being social is a great life extender (people who socialize with good friends are shown to have longer life spans). So ... it may be fun, but it's really healthy, so go for it!
5. Love your spouse/partner. Studies show the more love you have in your life, the happier you are, and the longer you'll live. Take the time to make your relationship work. Life is short. Make it fun!
6. Take care of yourself. Take "me time", eat well, dress nicely, wear jewellery that makes you feel happy, wear perfume. Perfume elevates your mood, makes you feel pretty and sexy, turns heads, and adds a touch of luxury to your every day life. Yes, Sexual Perfume is always a good idea.
These six tips help keep me on the right track towards fitness and happiness in my life. What are yours?
Feel your prettiest, sexiest. Check out Sexual Perfume at , Macy's & Bloomingdale's .
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What can I wear at work (perfume) with more and more employers having a ban on perfume!!!
ReplyDeleteThere's an easy answer to an easy question: If your employer has banned in the workplace, you have to respect the rules. But that doesn't stop you from wearing your fave perfume after work or on weekends. Keep a purse spray in your purse and spritz it once you are out the door to make you feel like the bombshell you know you are. If your workplace is fragrance-friendly, a great way to put a light dusting of fragrance on: immediately after your shower, spritz your fragrance in the air and walk through the mist. Spritzing it in your brush and running it through your hair also gives you a beautiful, but light fragrance that is beautifully soft. Two light but oh-so-sexy scents for the office: Sexual Noir Perfume with Pink Orchid or Sexual Sugar with Passion Flower . Thanks for the comment! It was a great question!