A Sunset Date Has Romance Written All Over It |
Our wildly popular date suggestions are some of our most read articles. We're experts at dating advice that gives you great first date ideas or romantic anniversary dating ideas. So we've decided to give you more romantic adventures to explore. These date ideas are cute, romantic, and free! (If you are married, don't forget to take your spouse on a date at least once a week. It's one of the best ways you can say, "You're special.")
1. Go for a picnic. There is nothing as playful and romantic as a picnic. Pack a soft, colorful blanket and delicious foods. Make the foods fun. Grapes, strawberries, and cherries are all great foods to seductively feed one another. You don't have to make the rest of the food complicated, either: pick up savory salads and sweet, tempting desserts at your local deli.
2. Go for a swim. It's the best thing to do on a hot summer day. Plus, it's a great way to show off those great abs or sexy body you have been working on for the past few months. (Not sure your body is perfect? Don't sweat it! Neither is 98% of the population's. But if you want a little boost to get those last few pounds off, read this.) Swimming is one sensuous activity that really gets the electricity flowing, especially when you go in for a spontaneous, leg-wrapping hug. Yum.
3. Have a sunset date. Pick a spot that will really show off the sunset in your area. Hills, mountains, or open parks and fields are great places. Take 2 blankets. One to sit on, one to wrap around you when the air starts to cool off. Have a bottle of chilled champagne or bubbly white grape juice ready (but don't drink and drive -- plan to cab it home) and decadent dark chocolates. Bring a deck of cards, play truth or dare, or even strip poker if you are devilish enough (if it's legal in your state). When the sun starts turning red, make a toast to its beauty, and a great date.
4. Create a scent date. Play find the scent. (Warning: to be done only in the privacy of your own home.) This is a cuter, more ingenious version of strip poker. Spray your favorite Sexual perfume or cologne in various, secret spots on your body. Let him (or her) softly trail his (her) nose around your body, starting wherever you desire. See who reveals the most places correctly (if you get that far of course). Passionate fun guaranteed!
Looking for more fiercely fun, yet astonishingly easy date ideas that are guaranteed to lead to a second, third, or more date? Read on.
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